Thanks for checking out my first post on TeaForTammi. Tammi, the person who the Tea was initially brewed for, is going to be a very busy girl for the next few months and she’s been awesome enough to let me write on her beautiful blog.

I often find my monkey brain wondering about the most absurd things in life. Sometimes they’re just silly things, truly first world problems like: 

Should I wax my entire body?


Damn it, lost an instagram follower. I knew I shouldn’t have uploaded that last shot.

Other times, it’s about my really big questions in life. Ones I think we all share to some extend. Our insecurities, our fears, our undetermined futures, and depending on the number of drinks I’ve had, the fascinating difference between life and death and the possibility designing an afterlife. That’s just tip of the iceberg.

I’m really excited about sharing a few of my thoughts with you guys and gals over the next few months. I just caught myself grinning like an idiot writing this post, so my hope is that you’ll enjoy reading my thoughts as much as I did writing them for you.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself so we’re not complete strangers. 

My name is Sam. I’m a geek. I have a sexy monobrow I have to separate every Saturday at 3PM. Slightly anal retentive. An introvert. A grumpy 80 year old man, living in the body of a 25 year old. I love exercising when I’m not recovering from injuries. Have a recent fascination with my heart rate and the number of calories I burn. Above all, I like wondering about life and what if our conventional thinking was completely wrong. On a lighter note, Breaking bad, walking dead and khaleesi. 

To finish this article, I have a favour to ask you. I’m starting to write for TeaForTammi with blindfolds on. You might love or hate what I write and how I choose to view the world around me. Either way it’s cool, but I want you to promise you’ll tell me. I write to talk to you folks, and you can comment to talk back. Just like a phone, no one likes being on a one way telephone call. You can take the first step right now and drop me a comment below. 

Let’s be BFFs and not take life too seriously. Life has already taken care of that for us! 

1 Comment

  1. Christine @ Cooking Crusade September 18, 2015 at 9:28 pm

    Hi Sam! Looking forward to reading your posts. I also think the walking dead is great. (Have you started watching the new spin off?)


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