Posts tagged Periscope

What’s your number one burning pizza question?

Do you love pizza?

*Spoiler alert: if you hate it, we might not be able to be friends.*


Well what’s the one burning question you’ve always wanted to know about pizza?

Nomad's hot chorizo, red pepper and rosemary ($19.50), and the Garlic Pizza ($8.50). Vessel Italian and Bar, Sydney: Sydney Food Blog Review

Well I will be answering your must-know pizza questions tonight, at 6pm EST, while I shovel pizza into MAH FACE. Okay, well maybe not exactly like that, but there will be pizza, and I WILL be eating it! Simply join the conversation on Periscope, and subscribe so you get the notification when I go live!

How to make dumplings!

Okay, I know I’m late to the party but CAN YOU BELIEVE LUCIANO AND MARTINO WENT HOME ON MKR????? *heartbroken*. Damn these reality TV shows and their sudden death rounds! They were hilariously loveable, AND they could cook, too. 🙁 🙁

But it DID get me thinking – if I were in the sudden death round, what would I make? It would definitely have to be something close to home, and all I could think about was the memory of my mother teaching me how to make dumplings when I was 4. I’ve been making them ever since, and I thought it was time to share it. =)

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11 food pairings you have to try!

Some of the best things in life come in pairs – whether it’s you and your best friend cooking on MKR (well, you’d hope that they’re your best friend XD) or amazing flavours of food that come together! That’s why I’ve put together this list of my favourite food pairings that you absolutely have to try.

Go on, I’m sure you’ll like it! 😉

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Singapore Chilli Crab Recipe!

It took me 20 years to pin down my mother’s Singapore Chilli Crab recipe – I spent years watching her in the kitchen, but never knew the actual quantities to anything until this week, when I pinned down the recipe for my weekly Periscope! It was a great time hanging out with my mum and learning a bit more about our national dish, and even getting exact instructions on how to quickly kill a live crab (because that’s the best freshness seal!).

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