It’s that time of the week again, and after what’s been a relatively busy week I don’t know whether I’m proud or ashamed to say that I’ve completed 4 of the 7 days of this week’s Photo A Day Challenge by FatMumSlim. It’s 1 more than last week, but I really thought that I’d be more on top of this!

Either way, these were the prompts that inspired me the most, and got me clicking!

Day 13: Paper

A photo posted by Tammi Kwok (@teafortammi) on

I love LOVE origami, and when I got this prompt I was super excited! Cranes were one of the first things I learnt to fold as a kid, and it seemed fitting that I made this more advanced version of the tsuru for the Photo A Day prompt. This Crane with a rose back is delicate and beautiful, and adds a beautiful dimension to a classic origami animal that represents peace and well wishes.

Day 15: Dinner

A photo posted by Tammi Kwok (@teafortammi) on

I so very nearly missed this prompt because I had a HUGE lunch, but I can’t be a foodie and miss a food prompt! It was fried chicken then – Korean Fried Chicken to be exact – sticky and slick with a sweet chilli-marmalade glaze, from a home style restaurant in the corner of Eastwood. Finger lickin’ good.

Day 16: Where I Work

A photo posted by Tammi Kwok (@teafortammi) on

When you work out of a home office, it’s kind of hard to take an inspirational picture. So I thought it might be interesting to show where my computer sits, and my near-OCD-level calendar organising system that revolves around colour coded post-its. Because sometimes things need to get moved around. I also keep little whimsical things around, like my Watermelon headphones from Typo, to keep me smiling, and powering through the day.

Day 18: Fluffy

A photo posted by Tammi Kwok (@teafortammi) on

The original photo that this prompt inspired was going to be a picture of Sam, because beard, fluffy, geddit geddit? But an unshaven man doesn’t always make for the best picture, so I went with an Aqua S apple and blackcurrent cone rising out of a cloud of cotton candy. IT’S SO FLUFFY! And also, I just love the psychedelic colours, and have been fascinated with monotone-inspired pictures of late.

Do you participate in the Photo A Day Challenge? How are you inspired by the prompts? For more photography tips, tricks and inspiration, subscribe to the mailing list for your monthly photography fix!


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