Posts tagged Coffee

Supper at Caffe Cherry Beans, Eastwood

I am pleasantly surprised every time I decide to venture out into Eastwood for some late night eats. There are always new cafes popping up on every corner, and many of them have decided to compete for the supper eating community.

Of which I am a very active member.
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Drive By Eating: Le Bistro Dorine, Eastwood

Never in my life have I been surrounded with so many cafés, so many options, so many shops fighting to put a warm caffeinated beverage in my hands and send me off to work. In the mere 10 minutes walk to the Eastwood train station, I can think of over 5 cafés, each located within meters of each other, competing for my attention. Cherry Beans Cafe, Pishon Cafe and Sweet Pumpkin Soup Cafe are three that immediately come to mind. Some, intoxicating you with the awakening aroma of their coffee, while the rest repel you with the smell of burned coffee and their lack of appreciation for these magical beans.

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