Posts tagged Food For Thought

I miss.

Durians. This spiky fruit that holds pungently fragrant yellow custard within.

Some people say that it’s smelly. I like blue cheese.


Milk and Cookies

I have placed a ban on myself with regards to cooking. If not, I’ll never finish all the essays that I have to write. But, that still leaves all the time I spend taking the train into the city!! So I made some crocheted milk and cookies.

They’re actually really simple. Just make three discs – 2 brown and 1 white – and then stitch them together.

And they’re practical too.

I made them as coasters!! I can’t justify making so many of them if they didn’t have a use. haha.

And you can make whatever cookie you want. I made jam-filled ones too!

They are so easy. And great to leave out for Santa! The only challenge here is to stop Sean from eating them all!

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween!!! As per the previous post, I was thoroughly inspired to make these eyeball cake pops. But, rather than leave these eyeballs as is, I decided to put them on skewers this time.

Isn’t there something about eyeballs on a stick? 😉

I decided to put them in a tall jar – like some sort of twisted flower arrangement – and the jar looked a little empty, so I crocheted some eyeballs to put inside! I got the pattern here.

As you can see, I like me a theme. Hehe.

I hope you have a yummy (and creative) Halloween. =) Have a good one everyone!

“Eye” See You!

 More Halloween eaties!

I saw the Cake Mistress’ idea for cake pop eyeballs for Halloween, and I decided to try it out. Instead of M&M’s, I used the end of a skewer to dab on colour and made it more and more intense after layers dried. I used the tip of the skewer, dipped in red food colouring, to draw on the veins. (For the cake pop recipe that I used, click here.)

I think I went a bit overboard though, and my chocolate dipping skills aren’t the best.

Still, I’m happy with it.

Happy halloween!


Inspired by Bakerella’s cake pops (and by Halloween that’s coming up), I decided that I would try to make Lady Gaga’s Disco Stick. As you can see, it’s not quite a success, but the idea is there!! Also, rather than silver sprinkles I need to get white crystals. Does anyone know where I can get that? It’ll be really cool if you could tell me please! Thank you!

Cake Pop Recipe:

1 packet vanilla cake mix (you can make your own cake, but this was easier)
Frosting (recipe below)
White chocolate

Bake the vanilla cake mix according to packet instructions. After the cake has cooled, crumble the cake into a mixing bowl.

Add just enough frosting to make the cake resemble wet sand. Just keep mixing through with your hands. The mixture should clump, but not be wet enough to stick to your fingers.

Make whatever shape you’d like. Pop that onto a cookie tray, and then put it into the fridge for a couple of hours to firm up. Alternatively, you can pop it into the freezer for about 15 minutes.

Dip the ends of whatever stick you’re using into melted chocolate, then push the stick into the cake pop, not going more than halfway through. Then lift the cake pop and dip the cake into the melted chocolate, making sure that the cake ball is entirely covered, and that it just touches the stick.

Put the stick into a block of Styrofoam and leave to harden. If you’d like, pop some sprinkles on before the chocolate hardens completely.

Frosting recipe (tweaked from this website)

250g vegetable shortening
About 4 cups icing sugar
100g thickened cream
Pinch of salt

Beat the shortening, 2 cups of the icing sugar, salt and vanilla together. Shortening is really hard, so you might want to nuke it for a bit first. Don’t be afraid of it melting a little though, it still works out.

Then add the cream and continue beating. It will thicken. Then beat in more icing sugar till you have your desired consistency. I only used another cup and a half, max.

Also, you might want to do the frosting by hand to save washin up on the machinery. It’s easier to do than buttercream frosting. 🙂


It’s not hard, and definitely worth a shot. Sean actually ate the whole lot – that’s how more-ish they are! =)


Photo by Scarygami

So very tired. It’s week 11 of uni, with roughly about three more weeks till I finish. Not the just the semester, not just the year, but the the whole shebang. And since food does relieve a lot of the stress, it’s essays, baking, cleaning, tutorials, cheese-making, tests, eating, readings, essays, munching, essays, lectures…zzzzzzz.

Just three more weeks!!! Then (hopefully!) a food trip to Tasmania! What’s keeping me going now is the thought of seafood…

Say Cheese!!

I went to a cheese course!!!! I can’t stop telling everyone. As a foodie who loves loves cheese, this is somewhat a dream come true for me. I chanced upon a little sign for a one day cheese making course and I absolutely had to go!!! So excited.

Upon arrival, there were samples of the cheeses that we were going to make all laid out for us to try!!  In order, the pictures are of mascarpone (and yes those black specks you see are from a vanilla pod!), feta, and my absolute favourite, camembert.

Mmmm…goey, creamy, camembert…

We also learnt how to make quarg (cream cheese), and yoghurt, but I was too busy eating that I kinda forgot to take photos of those. *sheepish*

Morning tea was also provided, and the lovely Susan baked little yummy cheesecakes…

…that we promptly smothered in strawberries and mascarpone. hehe.

Lunch consisted of spinach and ricotta cannelloni, with ricotta that we’d MADE THAT MORNING!!!!!!!! How awesome is that?? This is what I call instant gratification!

There was also a grilled chicken and haloumi salad that was so good, when I went back for seconds all the haloumi was gone!!!! (Well, there were a couple of pieces, but there was no way that I could get at them without being very unslightly and rather uncivilised.)

And a Greek Salad with feta that we were learning how to make. =)

It was so exciting learning the cheese making process! Cheese making does take a good part of your day, so it takes a while in that sense, but IT’S SO EASY!!

And so pretty. Look at the pretty camembert settling in their hoops.

Isn’t it just poetry in motion?

And the cheese cloth straining with the weight of creamy mascarpone just gets me so excited that I want to run around the room like a child on a sugar high. Cheese high. Food high. Heheheheheheheheheehhehe.

Isn’t it just absolutely GORGEOUS????? Oh what a thing of beauty!!

I swear I’m never buying cheese again. Unless it’s blue. Or crumbly. Cause I can’t make those. Ok, I’m never buying soft cheeses again!!

Oh, and we got to bring home a wheel of camembert, a container of feta, containers of mascarpone and yoghurt! Swag!

The Cheesemaking Workshop
Ph: (02) 9958 0909 or 0412 145 017



I take a class called The History of the Musical, and we were watching this in a class that was talking about Les Miserables. THEN I SAW HIM!!!! Keep a lookout at 2:15.


Food Bloggers’ Picnic

Went to the food bloggers’ mad hatter-themed picnic today!! Yes, that is my hat. Photo thanks to Billy, from A Table for Two, who also organized the whole event (*edit*) with Karen from Citrus and Candy(*end of edit. I can’t believe I missed her out. I’m so sorry Karen!!”). I won craziest hat!! If you want to make it, here’s the youtube tutorial. So happy. I won a Beef and Beer Masterclass for two at Mumu grill! hehe. =) There were heaps of prizes, including a Kitchen Aid for best dish! Naturally, just about everyone had an entry.

So yes. Bloggers started arriving, carry all sorts of goodies!!

Say cheese! Food bloggers get together for a photograph.

Group shot! And how’s this for coincidence? Third from the left is my primary school classmate!! How cool is that? She’s the blogger behind Nommynomnom. And in the far right is Anna from Diary of a Ladybird.

And there was a Pinata!


And there were hats galore!! Phuoc from Phuoc’n Delicious had a candy hat!! And we picked the candy off it after the picnic.

Phuoc with a candy hat!

And the lovely Anita from noredmeat!

Anita from No Red Meat

Rosalind from Rasarosa made this lovely hat and some really good kueh!! Hats off for her patience – Kaya is notoriously hard to make.

Rosalind from Rasarosa

And my entry for the food competition was Tea-ramisu served in chocolate teacups!

My tea-ramisu in chocolate teacups, made with french vanilla  tea

I made the teacups by following this youtube tutorial, with a twist. I piped chocolate handles then ‘welded’ them on after. For the filling, I soaked sponge fingers in black rose and french vanilla tea (instead of coffee) and made the filling with home-made mascarpone! (That I learnt from a cheese making class that I attended, post to come soon.)

Mascapone cream spilling over chocolate teacups

And the food, glorious food!!! When you go to a food bloggers’ picnic, you know that you’d be well fed.

A picnic spread

Anna made this lovely chocolate cake with salted caramel (yum!!) and it had a beautiful picnic scene that is made out of fondant! She won the best sweet dish. =)

Adorable cake with fondant details from Anna, diary of a ladybird

Sook Ching made these oh-so-cute Cookie Monster cupcakes!! I forgot to mention that one of the categories is best ‘blue’ dish, and this was pretty blue!

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Gianna from The Empty Fridge won runner up for craziest hat, and she brought a blue Sangria (which matches her hat lol). Her lamb pies were SO AWESOME though. Lamb mince encased in puff pastry with olives and sun dried tomatoes. Mmm.

Gianna from the Empty Fridge

Simon from The Heart of Food had slow cooked pork with bourbon sauce. Mmm that tangy sauce. *salivates* I feel so greedy for admitting this, but I actually took home leftovers! Sandwiches here I come!

Pulled pork sandwiches encased in chinese buns

The girls from Sugarlace even dressed up!! How pretty is that?

Girls from sugarlace

Cake pop from Sugarlace

And Billy was nicely modeling the handbag that they brought!! lollllll.

Billy from a table for two modelling a clock handbag

And after all the eating, it’s time for the prize giving, with the three judges!

From left, Karen, Billy and Sarah.
From left, Karen, Billy and Sarah.

And of course, the poor pinata that had to die. He had a dinner voucher that Sexyninjamonkey won.

Dead piñata

And the best dish of the picnic, and winner of the Kitchen Aid is……

Anita from no red meat with her kitchen aid

Anita from noredmeat!!!! Her thai fish cakes were DA BOMB. They also happened to disappear in seconds.

She also made this caramel slice with popping candy that she didn’t bring out earlier because she thought that they weren’t “Kitchen Aid worthy”. As if! These were really yummy too, and I have two sitting in my fridge for tomorrow. =)

Popping caramel slice

It was such a good day. Great weather (for me, I love cold weather), great food, and best of all, great company. =) And I do so love a themed party.

Cupcake with a mad hatter top hat

A big thanks to Billy, Karen and Nuffnang for organizing it all, and for the lovely prizes that were there to be won!! =)