Posts in Food For Thought

Win a rainbow!!!!

Image by stevendepolo

…or you can make one!!! If you haven’t guessed it already, the ingredient for this month is


This cool, gelatinous, melt-in-your-mouth is definitely a summer favourite for me, and it made me wonder about what else you can do with it.

So get your creative hats on, because Aeroplane Jelly has very nicely agreed to help me with the giveaway!! Just choose your favourite jelly recipe and write a blog post (leave the link in the comments), or send me an email with your favourite recipe ! It’s that simple. At the end of the month, I’ll pick my favourites, and everyone gets some jelly!!

Contest ends 1st March 2011.

I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly

I got a lovely present in the mail the other day – Aeroplane Jelly sent me some goodies for Australia Day! Boxes of Lime and Lemon Jelly (Green and Gold) to help me unleash my psychedelic jelly fantasies. =)

And so, I present to you…

My Andy Warhol colours inspired sandcastle beach scene. I mixed Blueberry and Lime jelly for the “sea”, and layered Lime and Lemon jelly for my sandcastle, with a heap of buttered biscuit crumbs for the “sand”.


Happy Australia Day!

Coming soon!!

Red Bow

Image by taberandrew

I’m so excited!!!!! Starting from February 2011, I’m going to launch a new series – Ingredient of the Month – and it’s going to be a free for all creative (or tried and tested!) cooking activity. I’ll try to get prizes lined up for the most creative entry, and everyone will have till the end of the month to create, to dream, and to cook!!

So excited!!!!!

The ingredient for February will be announced soon!!!

Watch this space. hehe.

Sydney Xmas Food Blogger’s Picnic 2010

Camembert with Cranberry Sauce and Walnuts from Georgia at Bakery Bookery.

The Sydney Food Bloggers’ Xmas Picnic 2010 was such a blast! It was such a lovely feeling to unwind for an afternoon – especially when that new job has me so beat all the time! It was just food and friends, and a much-appreciated chance to chill out.

Orange and pistachio cupcakes from Angie at Angie Lives to Eat.

Mini chocolate Christmas puddings from Vivian at Vxdollface.

 Chicken drumlettes from Josh and his mom at Belly Rumbles.

 Strawberry Santas from Ayana at Absolutely Ayana.

Springrolls from Julie at I Dream in Chocolate.

Salmon Quiche from Clarissa at Eat My Shots.

Slow Cooked Ribs from Billy at A Table for Two.

Macaron tree from Cleony at I eat sweet.

Pork and Brie rissoles from Simon at The Heart of Food.

And then there was the Kris Kringle!! Everyone had to bring a gift worth not more than $10, and contribute them to the pile. I contributed some homemade jam (which I had second thoughts about after I saw all the other cooler things that came out of the pile) that Peter got. I’m so glad that he liked it! =)

There were also Ninjabread cookie cutters that everyone fought over.

Thanks to Chocolatesuze and Grabyourfork for organizing!! I had a lovely time. =)

P.S. Sorry for the rather taciturn post. I was just really exhausted for the most of it. Also sorry that I don’t have everyone’s dishes down pat!! If you’d like to pop me an email or a comment ‘claiming’ your dish, please do and I’ll make the edits. Thanks guys!

Just a quick one…

…to say that I’ve got a new job!! =) At a kitchen store. How awesome is that? Sure, it’s retail, but thinking of recipes all day while being surrounded by anything you could want in your kitchen is AWESOME!

And 3 more sleep to the Annual Food Bloggers’ Christmas Picnic! Have you registered? I’m bringing cheesebread, anything else anyone wants me to bring? =) I’d be happy to oblige.

Tag, you’re it!

Photo by the00rig

I’ve been tagged!! Thanks to Gourmet Getaways for the tag! So first, the questions:

1. List five foods you could you never bring yourself to eat?

Fresh capsicum. Roasted is okay on occasion, but nothing Iron Chef Chairman Kaga style. Nope. Everything else I’m open to.

2. Share your happiest food memory.

Eating Haagen Dazs ice cream with my dad. My mom was overseas, so he set up the movie projector to project onto the ceiling above my parents’ bed, and we ate ice cream and watched Stargate together. =)

3. What would be your most embarrassing fashion moment?

Oh gawd. My entire teenagehood. 

4. Finish this sentence, “It drives me mental when….”

I’m craving something and I can’t justify getting it. 

5. Finish this sentence, “There is nothing better in life than…”

Falling asleep knowing that if something happens while you’re out, someone will be there to take care of you. 

6. You find a magic lantern and are granted one wish from the Genie of the lamp, what would your wish be?

I wish that my mother can retire in any lifestyle of her choosing, and that I can earn enough to financially support her in whatever she chooses to do. 

7. If you had one hour of invisibility what would you do?

I would go to a Michelin Star kitchen during dinner hour and just watch.

8. What made you decide to share your life with the world via a blog?

Well, I like experimenting with food, talking about food, reading about food… and I thought that someone out there might be interested in reading about my experiences too. =) 


And now it’s my turn!!

First the bloggers:

Rosalind from Rasa Rosa
Simon from The Heart of Food
Anita from No Red Meat
Julie from I dream in chocolate
Celeste from Berrytravels

Now the questions:

1. If the world’s supply of food was due to die out, what 3 ingredients would you save?
2. If you were to host a themed party, what theme would you set?
3. Who – alive or dead – would you want to share your last meal with?
4. What is your absolute comfort food?
5. What is the most useful tool in your kitchen?
6. When did you first realise that food had a special place in your heart?
7. Aliens have landed and there is a world summit to introduce them to the wonders of Earth. You have been invited to the potluck party. What do you bring?
8. If your kitchen was on fire, what is the one thing you’d save?

=) Hope it wasn’t too random!

These are a few of my flavour-ite things

Just a light post for the weekend…

This is absolutely nuts!! I am a professed bacon lover and even I think this is crazy (and a part of me wants to try it). I found this on Craftgossip, and naturally I followed the link to the shop website. They’ve got an entire bacon themed section!!! They even have things like bacon flavoured jelly beans (in a stylish bacon looking tin of course), bacon flavoured lip balm…and a whole host of other things.

It’s like my fantasies coming true in a carnival-funhouse-mirror kind of way. I LIKE!

Did I mention that I actually have bacon-flavoured salt in my cupboard? hehe.

I miss.

Durians. This spiky fruit that holds pungently fragrant yellow custard within.

Some people say that it’s smelly. I like blue cheese.


Milk and Cookies

I have placed a ban on myself with regards to cooking. If not, I’ll never finish all the essays that I have to write. But, that still leaves all the time I spend taking the train into the city!! So I made some crocheted milk and cookies.

They’re actually really simple. Just make three discs – 2 brown and 1 white – and then stitch them together.

And they’re practical too.

I made them as coasters!! I can’t justify making so many of them if they didn’t have a use. haha.

And you can make whatever cookie you want. I made jam-filled ones too!

They are so easy. And great to leave out for Santa! The only challenge here is to stop Sean from eating them all!