Ahh the (not so) humble burger. Ranging from the gourmet to the downright coronary-inducing, the traditional beef burger and all it’s variations have become the comfort food of many, and is a symbol of Western culture.
To celebrate National Burger Day, Chur Burger is giving away 800 burgers today, starting at 11am.
And for those of us who can’t make it, here are 6 ways to get more burger in your life.
1. Doughnut Burger (Luther Burger)

Double meat patties (with double cheese!) sandwiched between two glazed doughnuts. Legend has it that it’s named after singer Luther Vandross, and well, I’d trust him. He looks like he knows burgers.
2. Sliders

Burgers, but mini! A favourite as an accessible canapé – no more unrecognisable finger food! – and delicious filler at any cocktail party. White Castle has it, and so should you.
3. Heston’s Remarkable Burger

If you’re looking for the ultimate anything, Heston Blumenthal is the man to give it to you. He first tackled the “perfect burger” in his series “In Search of Perfection”, and came up with a process where you mince fresh beef twice – carefully laying out the meat strands the second time around so that they fall apart in your mouth – with nothing more than salt to bind the beef. The process requires a meat mincer and a lot of patience, but if you want to get some of this action in your life, well, Heston’s “My Remarkable Burger” patties will be available in Coles for you to try. RRP $8.
4. Arepas

Arepa actually refers to dense discs made of corn. They can be served on their own as a side, or filled with layers of delicious ingredients, much like a latin burger. Not sure where to get one in Sydney? Chica Linda in Surry Hills has little ones that you can try!
5. Xi’an Burger (肉夹馍)

A popular street food item in the Xi’an province of China, these babies can be filled with lamb, chicken, pork, or just about anything you can think of! The buns are called “mo”, and are traditionally baked in a clay oven, then stuffed with meat that’s been stewed for hours. Want to make one yourself? Get the recipe here.
6. Ramen Burger
Brain child of Keizo Shimamoto, a ramen burger involves a burger patty sandwiched between two ramen “buns”. Debuted at a food fair in Brooklyn, the ramen burger has spawned many copy cats all over the world.
Special note: if you like taking your burger one step further, Porn Burger (I know it sounds bad) is an amazing way to get your burger kicks in.
Oh and before I leave, one quick question: What is the difference between a burger and a sandwich?
I come from Xi’An, dad makes 肉夹馍 all the time – beats the pants off any Sydney place that sells it 😛 (no bias right haha)