Posts tagged guide

10 Steps To Your Very Own Korean Food Party!

So you love eating, and better yet, you love making your own food. But authentic ethnic foods can be really hard to get right, especially when they have a big culture of home cooking. Korean foods, for example, can often be intimidating to the people outside looking in – after all, how do you really know if a recipe you find is authentic? Well, it’s easier than you think to go from lost and confused, to your very own Korean food party! Just follow these 10 steps:
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How to make butter at home!

There are totally some things that we take for granted. Need to make cookies? Better put butter down on that shopping list!

Well it’s so dead simple to make butter at home, and you know what? It’s a great way to prolong the life of that cream you can’t finish!
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Guide to Photography: The Rule of Thirds

Wayyyyy back in the day, when my parents gave me a disposable camera so that I could take pictures on a primary school zoo trip, I took some really badly composed pictures. I took my mother’s advice to “put people in the middle” too far, and it turns out that it really didn’t quite work when composing a photograph.

So fast forward 10 years, and I get my first lesson in photography: The Rule of Thirds. The golden rule of composition that is taught to all beginners, and still works for me, even to this day!

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Guide to photography: Saturation

Sometimes, photography can get so cluttered with techniques and illusions that it can be very hard to know where to start if you wanna improve! So I thought it might be nice have a little practice session: to just focus on one tool that photographers use, and how it can completely change the way you take photos!

This time, it’s all about saturation.
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Guide to Photography: Keeping it simple!

Source: Mark Boughton Photography

I’ll admit it. I’ve been guilty of over styling a photograph. SO GUILTY. You know when you keep adding props and textures because you feel like the photo looks a bit empty? Yeah, that.

Well sometimes it’s hard to concentrate on the photography when there are so many elements to consider, so for this week’s Guide to Photography, we are going to take a look at something so simple, the techniques really shine through. Best part is, you probably have the tools on hand to practice it yourself!

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Easy eye makeup for monolids

Monolids may seem like a very common Asian eye shape, but the truth is, there aren’t nearly enough makeup tutorials out there for single-lidded sistas like us! And before the days of Google, I had to bumble my way through eye makeup by looking at magazine tutorials for blue eyed beauties, and trying to tweak it for my own eyes.

Well, I’ve settled into a quick and easy method for my everyday makeup look, and I’m ready to share my secrets! Easy eye makeup for monolids is just round the corner. =)

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How to fold socks like a BOSS!

I love doing laundry. I’m serious. There’s just something about sorting a fresh load of laundry that makes it feel like origami and real-life tetris rolled all into one!

But socks have always been a thing of contention in my house. They come in different lengths – ankle, business, sport – and the neat freak in me just wants everything to be the same size, and fit in a grid. Well, I’ve got a solution for you, and it’s a good one!

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How to make sushi!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve absolutely loved sushi. My mum held sushi making parties for all our friends and neighbours, and I had HEAPS of fun rolling these delicious bites, and eating my own work!

Rolling your own sushi can seem really daunting, but I promise you with the right technique and just a little bit of practice, you can also hold your very own sushi parties!
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How to apply fake eyelashes in 5 Easy Steps

When I was a teenager, I’ve hated my eyes. Well, hate is a strong word, but I’ve always looked at women in magazines and wished that I had those wide, deep set eyes with mesmerising pupils framed by luscious lashes. I’ve since made my peace, but not before thoroughly exploring the world of fake eyelashes.

And I’m happy to announce that falsies are not just for drag queens and women with a penchant for drama. No, they are a permanent part of my beauty arsenal, and if applied correctly, can create a wearable, everyday look, with just a touch of drama. Did I mention that it also goes really well with contouring?
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5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Netflix!

Ahh, Netflix. Thousands of titles, and only so much time in the day. But I remember when we first got this cult favourite – we got the trial account, signed in…and then what? We had no idea what we wanted to watch, and we didn’t really know what they had to offer beyond a few big titles.

But know, I’m on top of it like the king of the mountain, and with a few small tips, you’ll also be well on your way to losing all your waking hours to the amazing abyss of Netflix auto play.
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