Posts tagged Sponsored

Sponsored Post: 7 thoughts I had whilst trying Crust Pizza’s new Simply Better Range

Review of Simply Better Range from Crust Gourmet PizzaBrought to you by Nuffnang and Crust Pizza

“Healthy” is not often, in my world, associated with the word “delicious”. My circle of friends strongly believe in the “fat is flavour” mantra (I knew there was a reason why we were friends), and we eschew trends that are healthy for healthy’s sake. So when I was invited to try Crust Pizza’s new Simply Better Range (with Spelt and Wholemeal flour, no less!), I didn’t know what to expect.

Review of Simply Better Range from Crust Gourmet Pizza

So here are 7 thoughts that I had while stuffing pizza into my face:

1. This crust is better than I thought!

I know it seems like an obvious thing, but even when a whole line of restaurants is called “crust”, I am usually faced with dry, stiff bases that only serve to hold up the ingredients. Here, the crust was tender and bready, and had a surprisingly good chew while still holding up the various toppings! Also, a wholemeal and spelt flour that wasn’t dry. Well done.

2. Who knew that broccolini belonged on a pizza

My favourite of the three new pizzas, the Biltong Lamb, had broccolini on it. Broccolini! Who knew that this maligned vegetable (which is usually relegated to sad steamer baskets) actually has found a happy place on the top of a pizza. It was tender, without being overly bitter or in-your-face, and provided great support for the spiced lamb and tangy yoghurt and lime.

3. Chilllaaaayyyyyy

Did you know that kilo for kilo, chilli is more packed with vitamin C than oranges? Yeah. Not that I need a reason to have any more chilli in my diet. So it was a happy night for me when the three new pizzas that I tried – Biltong Lamb, Harissa Chicken, Wagyu Shoga – were served with chilli. By themselves, the pizzas were mildly spiced and layered with flavour from the sauce and the various toppings like pine nuts, mushrooms, capsicum, rocket etc. But for me, the only way to have them is with a side of fresh cut chilli, to really kick your night into gear!

4. I wish the chunks of meat were bigger

So at the launch, we were lucky enough to try the house-cooked meats on its own, and then with the pizza. And you know what? I agree with fellow blogger Jason: the chunks of meat made such an impact, that I wish that it was similarly chunky on the pizza. It was shredded finer, I guess for ease of eating, but still, you notice it especially when you know how good it can be.

5. Pizza by the beach needs to be a thing.

We were lucky enough to be treated to Crust’s new range by the beach, and you know what? It totally needs to be a thing, guys! There’s just something about eating by the crashing waves – from a distance, of course, because you don’t want sand in your food – that just really elevates the experience.

6. They make the pizza bases in store? No way!

So you’d may have made the same assumption that I did: that Crust Pizza stores get in their pizza bases frozen, and then tops it off and bakes it in-store. Well, a rather interesting conversation with the manger of one of their stores revealed to me that they get deliveries of bags of flour, and make the dough right in the store! Something totally unexpected, but appreciated all the same.

7. So is this Australian pizza?

Okay, so I’ve heard plenty about how “Pizza is meant to be simple”, and that “pizza from Italy doesn’t have 20,000 toppings on it”. And yeah, there’s definitely a beauty to a really simply-made pizza with a cracking chewy base and a barely warmed fresh tomato base. Sure. But what if this is just another style of pizza? What if this is Australian Pizza? I mean, we’ve already claimed burgers by putting beetroot in them, maybe this is just another kind of pizza that’s unique to Australia?

Review of Simply Better Range from Crust Gourmet Pizza

I don’t think Crust Pizza is trying to portray themselves as “authentic Italian Pizza”, and you know what? I think it’s cool that they’re doing their own thing. They’ve got a smart casual style going for them, serving up the kind of pizzas that you’d eat by the beach, in your flip flops, enjoying the cool autumn breeze. And now with the new Simply Better Range, you’d fit right into the Bondi crowd, too!

Love your pizzas? Well you might also like our reviews of Pizza Design Co., and Just Man’oushe! And if you want to make your own, we’ve also got a pizza scroll lunchbox hero recipe for you as well.

Sponsored Review: Soul Origin, Rhodes

Smoked Salmon Benedict, Soul Origin, Rhodes: Sydney Food Blog Review

What IS fast food, really? Is it any good that’s just fast? Or does it have to be a food that’s bad for you? For me, it’s always been more of the latter. It doesn’t matter how the Food Giants spin it, it’s always been bad for me, and I like it.

What can I say? I’m a sadist like that.

In the more recent times though (omg I feel so old!) there’s been a shift in the perception of fast food. No longer a shorthand for greasy artery-clogging food, it’s now more about light, healthy, and that eastern-suburb-coffee lifestyle. Well, like Soul Origin is offering up with its many kiosks popping up around Sydney.

I went to the newest one in Rhodes, greeted by the effervescent Loula, who’s the franchisee. Staff swarming around her, looking to her for direction..all classic signs of first-day-training for a brand new food outlet. We select a range of food – Sam happily has Soul Origin for breakfast, so it’ll be interesting to compare the consistency across outlets – and take our little brown bags away to unwrap our brunch.

Smoked Salmon Benedict, Soul Origin, Rhodes: Sydney Food Blog ReviewSmoked Salmon Benedict

On the breakfast front, we chose the Smoked Salmon Benedict and the Chorizo and egg wrap. The eggs in the Benedict are cooked all the way through – an unfortunate by-product of health and safety rules for pre-cooking eggs – and the bread is soft. I’m not a big fan of the hollandaise: if it can’t be made fresh, hollandaise can come off as a tepid, slightly tasteless cousin of mayonnaise. In these cases, I say, just use Mayo and call it something else, and your life will be much better for it. There was an adequate amount of smoked salmon though, which is much better than many takeaway breakfasts out there.

Chorizo and Egg Wrap, Soul Origin, Rhodes: Sydney Food Blog ReviewChorizo and Egg Wrap

The Chorizo and Egg wrap was a much MUCH better option, especially when eaten warm. The cheese melts around the salty chorizo, and the soft wrap just holds it all together. Sam says that the wrap isn’t as generous here as his usual order at Town Hall, but I still think that flavour-wise it’s very balanced, and a pleasure to eat.

Achiote Chicken Panini, Soul Origin, Rhodes: Sydney Food Blog ReviewGrilled Chicken Panini

The Grilled Chicken Panini is flavoured with an achiote paste: a Mexican marinade made with citrus, annato (also called achiote) paste, a touch of chilli, garlic and herbs. As far as a chicken sandwich goes, it’s pretty good, but not quite as good a filling to bread ratio as the wraps. Now if only you can just get the filling on its own…

Variety of Salads, Soul Origin, Rhodes: Sydney Food Blog Review

Oh wait, you can! Soul Origin serves up a selection of salads, with many of the ingredients overlapping with the wraps and paninis, in case you want the low carb option. The individual components – roasted veg, beans, beef, chicken – are made in a satellite kitchen off site, and delivered to outlets all over Sydney and assembled on the day.

We got to try a little bit of everything available, and the chicken schnitzel was actually a favourite, followed by the roast veg. Usually, cooked chicken breast doesn’t hold up so well in terms of texture, but they’ve done well with the schnitzel, keeping the crust crisp, around a thin layer of chicken.

At its core, Soul Origin doesn’t pretend to be anything fancier than it is: it’s providing an alternative to the fast food that we love to hate, and maybe give you something a little different for a weekday lunch. Does it have the most amazing sandwiches in Sydney? No, but it does pretty well in the takeaway category.

Oh, and one last thing: if you’re looking for a little afternoon pick-me-up that’s not your normal coffee, try a suggestion from Loula – a dirty chai is a shot of coffee in a chai latte, and it’s pretty darn good. Soul Origin already has a reputation for its coffee, and hopefully now, a little something different.

Insatiable Munchies dined as a sponsored guest of Soul Origin, Rhodes.
Soul Origin
Kiosk 5, Rhodes Waterside
1 Rider Boulevard
Rhodes NSW 2138
Phone: 02 8765 1162