Posts tagged Liquid Nitrogen

Varying degrees of…Celsius Dessert Bar, Chatswood

Review of Celsius Dessert Bar, Chatswood

Nitrogen frozen treats seem to be all the rage right now, doesn’t it? And with good reason: the low freezing point of liquid nitrogen makes the ice cream super smooth, and the clouds of vapour provides a dramatic way to watch your ice cream getting made!

Located near the new Chatswood transport interchange, Celsius Dessert Bar has a small range of nitrogen-frozen gelato to choose from, coupled with thoughtful toppings to create a full-fledged dessert.

Because ice cream can always use some topping. 😉

Review of Celsius Dessert Bar - Watermelon SplashWatermelon Splash

Review of Celsius Dessert Bar - Monkey MagicMonkey Magic

Simon and I shared a Watermelon Splash and Monkey Magic, and we were about to go for a third, but…well, we really shouldn’t. Haha. The Monkey Magic really reminded me of Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey, except a little lighter. The chocolate cookies and the bruleed bananas were a very nice touch, and made for a fantastic dessert.

The Watermelon Splash on the other hand, would have been much better off without the topping – the honeycomb had a very slight burnt flavour to it, and made the whole thing taste…savoury. The gelato itself was really refreshing, and light, and tasted of fresh watermelons, which is, well, a good thing.

I really wanted to go back and try the other flavours, but I don’t know if I can go past the Monkey Magic!

Banana flavoured anything is my kryptonite. Go figure.

This was independently paid for
Celsius Dessert Bar
Kiosk 4 Chatswood Bus Interchange
436 Victoria Ave
Chatswood, NSW
Phone: (02) 8068 6895

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