Posts tagged Canon 60D

Guide to Photography: The Rule of Thirds

Wayyyyy back in the day, when my parents gave me a disposable camera so that I could take pictures on a primary school zoo trip, I took some really badly composed pictures. I took my mother’s advice to “put people in the middle” too far, and it turns out that it really didn’t quite work when composing a photograph.

So fast forward 10 years, and I get my first lesson in photography: The Rule of Thirds. The golden rule of composition that is taught to all beginners, and still works for me, even to this day!

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Guide to Photography: Aperture

Part of what I love about fancy schmancy cameras and lenses, is the ability to shoot at wide apertures. It adds an extra dimension to my photos, and it allows me to do so much more than I could have with just a point and shoot.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

But aperture, like any other tool, can be heavily misused, and trust me, I’ve made those mistakes along the way. So after writing about how to start shooting in manual, I thought it might be a good idea to share a little bit more about what I learnt about Aperture, so that maybe it could help you in your photography journey too!

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To Pro or Not: Which camera should I buy?

As odd as it may seem, photographers never start out as photographers. They rarely ever are born with a camera ready to play with, even if their parents are amateur enthusiasts. My parents, for example, were quite into memory preservation through film, and I never got into photography into a serious way until I was well into my 20s. It all began with a tiny point and shoot, and when I outgrew that, I was faced with the question that many advanced beginners are faced with:

Which camera should I buy?
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