Posts in Food For Thought

Victor Churchill, Woollahra

Have I gotten your attention? Yes indeed, that is the Anthony Bourdain! Some of you might know that I’ve been all atwitter about meeting him, and it definitely has been the highlight of my week.

But before I tell you about that, let me first share with you why I’ve been so quiet; why I’ve been neglecting my poor blog.

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The Christmas 2011 Recap


I have committed food blogger FAIL. Usually, when there are occasions like Christmas that have lots and lots of delicious food, I am extremely snap-happy. This year though, I was *ahem* distracted by babies, and so you have seen the only food shot that I managed to get.

So much for being a food blogger first haha.

Anyway, back to the Christmas recap.


As usual, there are presents spilling out from under the tree. While looking at it, I did briefly have a thought that in the Christmas fairytales, that’s probably how Christmas trees come about. They are borne, fully decorated, out of a sea of presents.

Of course, Christmas isn’t Christmas without a bit of DIY, which Sean decided to sit out and let his mother handle, haha.


Too many cooks may spoil the broth, but you can’t have too many spectators, it seems.


Here’s what I got distracted from the food by:


We got Sean’s nephew a tuxedo bib to match Sean’s tux tee! :D:D

I know it’s cheesy, but I love the whole matchy matchy thing with babies.



And although I was quite fixated on taking photos of the cute baby, I did participate in other Christmas activities too.


Boulé, or Pentaque, or Bocce or whatever you like to call it, is very much like lawn bowling to me.


Basically what you do is throw this little wooden ball thing, and then try to bowl your metal ones as close to it as you can. You can do all sorts of things like knock your team mates’ balls closer, or knock the opposing team members’ balls away. That sort of thing. It was my first time playing, and I found it really close to ten-pin bowling. It seems that the lower you can go, the better the movement because there’s no bouncing off the grass getting in your way.

Anyway, that was the very quick Christmas recap of 2011! I had a very relaxing Christmas, which was great since I’ve had a stressful year.

How about you? How was your holidays?


I just thought that I’d share what I’m having for dinner – homemade pizza piled high with salami, kransky, ham, onion, garlic, cheese, cheese, capsicum and olives.


Oh dear…

Ferrero Rocher

Image by EssjayNZ

Yesterday, the heir to the Ferrero fortune – Pietro Ferrero – passed away in a bicycling accident. He, with his brother Giovanni, were joint Chief Executives to the company that also owns Nutella, Kinder and Tic Tacs.

Pietro’s father Michele, with the Ferrero family, was named the richest man in Italy, surpassing Italian president Silvio Berlusconi.

I’ve got a present for you!

Image by kjoyner666

Don’t forget, the Ingredient of the Month for February is Jelly!! And together with Aeroplane Jelly, I’m offering the chance to win a large jelly hamper!! All you have to do is either email me your favourite jelly recipe, or write a blog post with about your favourite jelly recipe/jelly that you’ve had and post the link in the comments here.

Contest ends 1st March, so hurry!!

Queensland Flood Appeal

Nuffnang had an auction lately to raise money to help with the Queensland floods, and I thought that I’d make a little something to help out. =)

Being somewhat obsessed with food, my contribution had to be food-related!! So voilá! My crocheted sushi plush toys.

I tried to look for Japanese platters (which would have been really hard to post), but Sean came up with the brilliant idea to use a bamboo mat instead!!

I’ve actually been crocheting a whole bunch of other food lately (which I’ll leave till a later post).

How about you? Do you have any fun crafts/projects to help distract you from the heat?