Posts tagged Technique

Guide to Photography: Aperture

Part of what I love about fancy schmancy cameras and lenses, is the ability to shoot at wide apertures. It adds an extra dimension to my photos, and it allows me to do so much more than I could have with just a point and shoot.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

But aperture, like any other tool, can be heavily misused, and trust me, I’ve made those mistakes along the way. So after writing about how to start shooting in manual, I thought it might be a good idea to share a little bit more about what I learnt about Aperture, so that maybe it could help you in your photography journey too!

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Guide to photography: Bowl of Fruit! 

Maybe I’m being cocky, but I think I’ve come a long way since my first food photo with a tiny Canon Ixus 5 point-and-shoot. I LOVE taking photos of food – not just because I’m Asian! – and there is just so much going on behind the scenes when trying to create a beautiful food photo!

It can be hard to know where to start though, and one of my favourite ways to learn about styling, is to study photos that I find beautiful, and copy these techniques in my own photos!

This week, it’s all about this simple but gorgeous photo I found at Cooking Pleasure. It’s essentially a bowl of fruit – nothing too exotic that you can’t find in your local supermarket – but it’s so beautifully styled and photographed that I can’t stop looking at it! Here’s why this photo is this week’s photography inspiration!

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